【01/07/2024 新增】
- Tagliatelle,長絲帶義大利面刷。
- Conchigli,貝殼形的義大利面刷。
- 通心粉,管狀義大利面刷。
- 刷新畫筆圖示,增加觀看體驗。
- 義大利面, 又長又細的義大利面刷。
- Rigatoni, 帶有脊刷的管狀義大利面。
- Fusilli, 短切,扭曲的義大利面刷。
- 磨碎的乳酪的獎勵!
- 胡椒粉的第二個獎勵!(黑胡椒和白胡椒的混合),以前是為了紀念進入排名。
- 原色: 大綱
- 輔助顏色: 義大利面的顏色
- 如果為圖層啟用了輪廓,則義大利面盤看起來更具凝聚力。
- Bonus 磨碎的乳酪預設是白色的,如果你想要更多的乳酪,你可以增加顆粒密度。
【01/07/2024 New】
New brushes added:
- Tagliatelle, the long ribbon pasta brush.
- Conchigli, the shell-shaped pasta brush.
- Macaroni, the tube-shaped pasta brush.
- Refreshed brush icons for increased viewing experience.
- Spaghetti, the long, thin pasta brush.
- Rigatoni, the tube pasta with ridges brush.
- Fusilli, short cut, twisted pasta brush.
- A BONUS of Grated Cheese!
- A Second BONUS of Pepper Sprinkles! (A mix of black and white peppers), previously to commemorate entering the ranking.
Brush settings:
- Primary color: Outline
- Secondary color: The pasta color
- The pasta dish will look more cohesive if outline is enabled for the layer.
- The Bonus Grated Cheese is by default white, you can increase the particle density if you want more cheese.
I’m not an Italian expert so can’t guarantee the accuracy. I’ve done my best as a Pasta enjoyer.
As a Pasta enjoyer, I hope to see more pasta in manga.
Please do let me know if you ever get to use them in your manga, I’d love to read!
I do hope to make more Pasta or food brush sets.
義大利面刷 Pasta brushes
獎金 Bonuses