雨懸浮在時間或氣泡中,露水.. (Rain Suspended in Time or Bubbles, Dew..) Rain Suspended in Time or Bubbles, Dew..


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為雨水製作的彩色畫筆,懸浮在時間中,但也可以用作氣泡、露水等。 A color brush made for rain suspended in time, but can also be used as bubbles, dew, etc.


A color brush made for rain suspended in time, but can also be used as bubbles, dew, etc.


公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

.avi. 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I work as a professional game illustrator and creating comics is my hobby. I enjoy inventing new workflows and breaking traditional tropes.