珠寶標誌 (Jewelry Emblems) Jewelry Emblems


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12種不同的吊墜可用於珠寶和裝飾! 12 different pendants to use for jewelry and decoration!

我只是對稱畫筆玩得太開心了,這些是結果。  它們的靈感來自中世紀、塞爾特人和拜占庭珠寶,但可以適用於任何歷史或幻想背景。  它們可以用作髮夾、珠子、護身符、吊墜、皮帶扣以及任何其他可以穿上閃亮的東西。

這些是閃亮金屬胸針的 2D 圖像。  這些既有線條藝術,也有彩色版本。線條藝術帶有白色背景,因此如果您願意,請使用“將亮度轉換為不透明度”( https://help.clip-studio.com/en-us/manual_en/390_filters/Other_Layer_Filters.htm#1364556 ) 或“乘法”功能來擺脫它。:)

謝謝!  保持閃亮。
I just had too much fun with the symmetry brush and these are the results.  They were inspired by medieval, celtic, & byzantine jewelry, but can work for any historical or fantasy setting.  They can be used as hair clips, beads, amulets, pendants, belt buckles, and anything else you can put a shiny thing on.

These are 2D images of shiny metal brooches.  These have both line art & colored versions. The line art comes with a white background, so use "convert brightness to opacity" ( https://help.clip-studio.com/en-us/manual_en/390_filters/Other_Layer_Filters.htm#1364556 ) or the "multiply" function to get rid of it if you'd like. :)

Thank you!  Stay shiny.

顏色 color



公開日期 : 24 days ago

更新日期 : 24 days ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D