Detailed Live2D Model Layer Template


  • 126
  • 10 CLIPPY

Detailed named layer template for understanding the layer structure and naming concept.


This is a detailed Live2D model layer template.
It is suitable for everyone to create illustration for Live2D rigging.

Only layer names are edited. No illustration inside this template.

"Naming Tips" layer helps you understand the layer structure and naming concept.

The naming logic and pattern is easy to remember and understand.

The layer name will directly becomes the Parts ID when imported into Live2D Cubism. (using "_" instead of a space)

I myself rename layers like this when I prepare to rig a Live2D model.

Layers order can be always change to fit your character design.

Here is a sample showing part of the template.



公開日期 : 22 days ago

更新日期 : 22 days ago

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