精確 2:1 等軸測量尺規層 (Precise 2:1 Isometric Ruler Layer) Precise 2:1 Isometric Ruler Layer


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精確的 2:1 等軸測尺規圖層範本。 Precise 2:1 isometric ruler layer template.

問候語,請注意,本指南是在我使用剪輯工作室油漆 Ex 1.9.4 時製作的。如果發佈新版本,資訊可能過時且錯誤。

這是一 個精確的 2:1 比率等軸測透視尺規,碰巧有可能被創建出來,下面列出了任何希望知道的人的步驟。

附加資訊,這是如何創建這個 2:1 等軸測尺規,為任何人想知道:
  1. 按右鍵圖層 > 尺規框架 > 創建透視尺規,選擇三點透視以創建尺規。
    • 請注意,從左右消失點輻射的輔助線實際上是 2:1 線。
    • 就是這樣,它很容易讓我們創建這個等軸測尺規。否則這是不可能的, 因為剪輯工作室油漆尺規點不給我們任何精度選項。
  2. 按右鍵創建的任何輔助線之一,並取消選中"修復眼睛水準"。
  3. 選擇透視工具,將操作更改為"無限"。
  4. 繼續按一下左側、右側和垂直 2:1 透視輔助線以無限排列,消失點將變為無限。
  5. 可以為水準輔助線創建一個額外的無限消失點。
  6. 瞧!您創建了一個 2:1 等軸測透視尺規圖層!
  7. 如果指南得到的方式,只需將其拖出畫布,它應該保持可用。


只有畫筆大小半徑為 1 及 1 的線條工具才能無縫繪製 2:1 線。請確保禁用線條工具的抗抗,或只是創建用於圖元藝術的第二行工具。
謝謝, 我希望它對有些人有用!


Greetings, please note that this guide is made while I am using Clip Studio Paint Ex 1.9.4. The information could be outdated and wrong if new versions are released.

 This is a precise 2:1 ratio isometric perspective ruler that is so happened to be possible to be created, with steps listed below for anyone that wishes to know.
To use: download, then from the downloads folder of materials browser within Clip Studio Paint, drag and drop onto the canvas to create the layer template. You may drag the ruler outside of the canvas area so it wouldn't get in the way, and it will remain usable.

Addtional information, this is how this 2:1 isometric ruler is created, for anyone that wishes to know:
  1. Right click a layer > Ruler-Frame > Create Perspective Ruler, choose 3-point perspective to create the ruler.
    • Notice that the guides radiating from the left and right vanishing points are actually 2:1 lines.
    • It's so happened that this is the case, which easily let us create this isometric ruler. It wouldn't have been possible otherwise because Clip Studio Paint ruler points do not give us any option for precision.
  2. Right click one of any of those guides created and uncheck "fix eye level".
  3. Select your perspective tool and change the operation to "infinitize".
  4. Proceed to click on the left, right, and vertical 2:1 perspective guides to infinitize them, the vanishing points will become infinite.
  5. An additional infinitized vanishing point can be created for the horizontal guide.
  6. Voila! You've created a 2:1 isometric perspective ruler layer!
  7. If the guide gets in the way, just drag it out of the canvas and it should remain usable.

However, no matter how precise it is, Clip Studio Paint is not a software made for pixel art.

Only the line tool with brush size radius of 1 and up can draw 2:1 line seamlessly. Make sure to disable antialising for the line tool, or just create a second line tool meant for pixel art.
To display line while drawing with the line tool, go into preferences, tool tab, and uncheck "Use simple display for lines being created with the figure tool".
Thank you, I hope it is useful for some!

The following samples are created in Clip Studio Paint:





公開日期 : 5 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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Greetings, I'm Kei.