春天的花番紅花 (Spring Flower Crocus) Spring Flower Crocus


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春天的花田的郵票畫筆 Stamp brush for a field of spring flowers

我學生時代從各個角度製作的番紅花畫筆,曾經花很多時間在大學的植物園裡畫風景,當時 Clip Studio Paint 作為 Manga Studio :) 發行時,我的筆記型電腦上就吸引了我的眼球

A brush with crocus flowers from various angles I made back when I was a student and used to spend a lot of time in the university's botanical garden painting sceneries that caught my eye on my laptop, back when Clip Studio Paint was distributed as Manga Studio :)


公開日期 : 18 days ago

更新日期 : 18 days ago

.avi. 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm a professional game illustrator and a hobbyist comic creator. I enjoy inventing new workflows and breaking traditional tropes.