吸血鬼攻擊姿勢套裝 (Vampire Attack Pose Set) Vampire Attack Pose Set


  • 137
  • 10 CLIPPY

惡毒的吸血鬼襲擊! A vicious vampire attack!

兩個不同的 場景,吸血鬼試圖以人類為食。總共四個姿勢(吸血鬼和受害者各兩個)。

Two different scenes featuring a vampire attempting to feed on a human. Four poses total (two for the vampire and victim each).

Both are the default height. Some adjustments may need to be made if you use different body types.

類別1 Category 1


編輯 - 修復了意外重複姿勢的問題!但是,我不知道如何從目錄中刪除該目錄,因此如果它保留在您的下載中,則必須保持警惕 EDIT - Fixed the issue of accidental duplicate pose! I don't know how to delete that one from the catalogue, however, so you'll have to be wary of it if it remains in your downloads


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

Ruadri 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm Ruadri, and I like to make both brushes and poses! Assets are added as I make them, with no particular schedule. Feel free to DM me if you have questions about how to use anything!