13 種金屬漸變 (13 Metal Gradients) 13 Metal Gradients


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用於創建閃亮金屬外觀的漸變! Gradients for creating a shiny metallic look!



您可能會注意到有一對名為“Rose Gold 5”和“Rose Gold 6”的夫婦。這不是一個錯誤,只是我的前四個玫瑰金漸變都有自己的一套!

氧化鈦梯度不適用於 100% 不透明度。 這個與其他選項不同(甚至可以在它們之上使用),因為它最好在大約 50% 的不透明度下使用。嘗試使用圖層設置以獲得完美的外觀!

This set of gradients creates a variety of realistic metallic shine when used as gradient maps!

There are 13 types total, ranging from natural metal colors to artificial colors like blood red and dark blue.

You might notice that there are a couple named "Rose Gold 5" and "Rose Gold 6." This is not a mistake, it's just that my first four rose gold gradients have their own set!

THE TITANIUM OXIDE GRADIENT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AT 100% OPACITY. This one is different from the others (and can even be used on top of them), as it's best used at roughly 50% opacity. Try playing with layer settings to achieve the perfect look!

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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I'm Ruadri, and I like to make both brushes and poses! Assets are added as I make them, with no particular schedule. Feel free to DM me if you have questions about how to use anything!