重新排列面板(左至右) (Rearrange Panels (Left to Right)) Rearrange Panels (Left to Right)


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CSP 按從右到左的閱讀順序劃分面板。此自動操作可讓您修復從左到右漫畫的圖層順序。 CSP divides panels in right-to-left reading order. This auto action lets you fix the layer order for left-to-right comics.


您可以 儲存並 用於快速存取的自訂圖示和淺色和深色模式的命令列按鈕:

When all panels are divided, ensure all frame folders are closed, and use the auto actions to fix the ordering.

Custom icons you can save and use for quick access & command bar buttons for light & dark modes:


公開日期 : 9 months ago

更新日期 : 9 months ago

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