繪畫岩石紋理畫筆 (Painterly Rock Texture Brushes) Painterly Rock Texture Brushes


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紋理畫筆,用於為背景創建快速的岩石紋理。 Texture brushes to create quick rock textures for backgrounds.

I wanted some brushes that let me quickly texture rocks for background paintings, so I made these! Some folks seemed interested, so here they are for free to use! The Edge, Layer, and Crack Painter are for adding quick detail to a shape, which can then be shaded and detailed with the shader and detailer brushes (Or you can use your own preferred brushes.) The ribbon brushes were all made by me, and arent based on photos at all. These arent intended to be realistic, rather to create elements for background paintings fairly quickly.

類別 1 Category 1


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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