堪薩斯之星 (KS Stars) KS Stars


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簡單的星星飛濺刷 Simple Star Splatter Brush


「KS 星星設置顏色」也無法更改顏色,但通過關閉畫筆的顏色更改設置可以減少顏色噪點。
「KS Stars Mix」還有另一個有趣的設置,它將在第二個畫筆中反轉選定的主要和次要顏色,以創建簡單的顏色噪點。
「KS 星星 A」和「KS 星星 B」都是普通畫筆,星星紋理略有不同。

I made this to experiment with Brush settings and understand more about brush making. I hope you can work with them!

"KS Stars BW" can not pick up color. Using gradient maps on this one will work fine.
"KS Stars Set Color" also cant be changed in color, but the color noise ca be reduced by turning off a color change setting of the brush.
"KS Stars Mix" has another funny setting that will invert the selected primary and secondary color in the second brush, to create simple color noise.
"KS Stars A" and "KS Stars B" both are normal brushes with a slight difference in star textures.

堪薩斯之星 KS Stars


[重新上傳:感謝支援,我可以找出畫筆的問題是什麼並解決了問題。這次它應該保持線上。 [Re-Upload: Thanks to the support I could figure out what the issue with the brush was and fixed the problem. This time it should stay online.]


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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