在樹林或草地上徒步旅行如果沒有漂亮的蜘蛛網,就不完整!一部小小的喜劇從來不會傷害任何東西...確保您的 MC...或者也許是絨毛...有一個很好的尖叫適合用他的聲力給女朋友留下深刻的印象!或者炫耀棱鏡公主的神經,而不是她在樹林裡的即興短途旅行/逃跑。你永遠不知道...是網路被其製造商佔領...還是沒有?
A hike in the woods or meadow isn't complete without a nice spider web to the face! A little comedy never hurt anything... Make sure your MC...or maybe the villian...has a nice screaming fit to impress the lady friend with his vocal prowess! Or show off the prissy princess's nerves over her impromptu jaunt/escape in the woods. You never know...is that web occupied by its maker... or not?
Or, maybe you need a nice morning establishing scene (the rainbow web...play with lighting and such, maybe add some dewdrops for extra sparkle)? Or make that cabin look old, spooky and unused.
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