紅色水果 (Red Fruit) Red Fruit


  • 76
  • 30 CLIPPY

4種水果(櫻桃,蔓越莓,覆盆子,蘋果)的圖像材料和4種相同水果的彩色和非彩色刷子。 4 Image Materials of fruit (Cherry, Cranberry, Raspberry, Apple) and 4 colored and non-colored brushes of the same fruit.

All of these fruits are hand-painted using references. Please feel free to use in any context!

紅色水果刷 Red Fruit Brushes

無色水果刷 Non-Colored Fruit Brushes

圖像材料 紅色水果 Image Materials Red Fruits


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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