4 全息紋理 (4 Holographic Textures) 4 Holographic Textures


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我感到無聊,玩弄了粒子畫筆。 這些都出來了,也許你可以用它們做點什麼? I got bored and played around with particle brushes. These came out of it, maybe you can use them for something?

它們應該無縫地重複。 感謝您的光臨。c:

They should repeat seamlessly.  Thanks for having a look. c:

數位浴缸 digital bathtub


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D