吻姿勢 1/2 (Kiss Pose 1/2) Kiss Pose 1/2


  • 88

一對夫婦接吻。 A couple kissing.

對於那些希望繪製多個字元的互動(即親吻和擁抱)在這裡是一個給你。 這是姿勢的"男性"一面。 我也會發佈 "女性" 的姿勢。 這些確實需要相當多的時間和耐心。
For those looking to draw multiple character interactions (i.e. kisses and hugs) here is one for you.  This is the "male" side of the pose.  I'll also post the "female" pose as well.  These did take quite a sum of time and patience to make.



公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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