恐嚇 (Intimidation) Intimidation


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那個用一隻手抱住某人的經典劇團。 That classic troupe of holding someone up with 1 hand.

這只是一個傲慢的人通過展示自己的力量來維護對某人的統治地位的展示。 這是一個想法, 我想變成一個插圖, 但老實說, 我不會有動機或時間。所以,如果你想採取裂縫,繼續前進。 如果你這樣做,我想看看結果,如果你能分享它。
This is just a presentation of a brauny individual asserting dominance over someone by displaying their might.  This is an idea I had that I would like to turn into an illustration but I honestly I won't have the motivation or time. So if you would like to take a crack at it, go ahead.  If you do, I would like to see the result if you can share it.

第 1 類 Category 1


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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