15 天然鉛筆 (15 Natural Pencils) 15 Natural Pencils


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快樂 100 張貼材料! 感謝您的所有下載 - 下面, 再多幾支鉛筆 :, D Happy 100 posted materials! Thank you for all the downloads & follows, have a few more pencils :,D

希望這些工作為你! 隨意調整它們,以適應您的喜好或重命名它們,以説明您更容易記住它們。:D
陽光鉛筆 - 一支傾斜工作的鉛筆:如果你傾斜它,它的行為就像一支普通的鉛筆。 如果你傾斜它的水準,它變成一個陰影鉛筆,線的頂部是硬的,底部是軟的。 如果您的筆不與傾斜工作,改變厚度壓力敏感,並調整到什麼適合你。 超過 100 圖元,看起來顆粒,小心。
宇宙塵埃 - 一支基本的鉛筆,具有很高的柔軟度。 讓我想起一支彩色鉛筆,用柔和的觸感輕鬆建立顏色。

刮起鉛筆 - 刮傷!質地粗糙的鉛筆(隨意調整)。 像一支薄鉛筆一樣有趣, 劃傷線條。
地毯鉛筆 - 一個很好的線條鉛筆。 讓我想起一支眼線筆, 鉛筆的密度有多高。
黑胡椒鉛筆 - 一支鉛筆,輕輕地壓在畫布上時看起來像黑胡椒噴霧。 你可以打開"反別名"來使它變軟。 適合髒亂的著色。 將紋理混合為"彩色道奇",以獲得厚實、密集的線條。* o
苗條的機械 - 一個非常溫和的機械鉛筆與薄尖。 最接近標準的.07鉛機械鉛筆。 有很大的壓力範圍 - 可以建立彼此之上的顏色容易。 驚人的細線。

小雨滴 - 像太陽雷鉛筆, 但與圓邊和更少的線 y 筆劃。 從模擬鉛筆線傾斜到側鉛筆陰影。 角度設置為"線的方向",並加倍本身,將其更改為"筆的方向",如果它不適合你。:0
瀝青蠟筆 - 厚,矩形粉筆非常適合在外觀淩亂的地區阻塞。 它可以用作模擬鉛筆或粉筆蠟筆。
模糊鉛筆 - 非常柔軟,溫柔。鋪設最黑暗的線需要時間和層。 模糊和混合容易。 像素化,120px+。
薄膜顆粒 - 紋理是薄膜顆粒紋理! 大部分是黑暗的,有淺垂直線。 隨意調整紋理,使之更粗糙或更柔軟。 一支帶內置復古外觀的鉛筆:D

克裡斯十字 - (這是俚語的 "X" 形狀, 或任何線交叉對方對角線) 。 另一支柔和的鉛筆,軟硬平衡得很好,可以像輕線一樣,以相同的筆觸向下鋪設一條暗線。 我喜歡它的真實肖像。
非貢鉛筆 - 銳利,大膽,黑暗,在一個單一的筆劃與大量的線差。 尖銳流動線條的樂趣。
軟星塵 - 宇宙塵鉛筆的柔和版本。 適合柔和的著色和輕繪圖。
Y2k 圖形鉛筆 - 這支鉛筆最接近純"數位"鉛筆。 尖端由半色調紋理組成,上面有塗鴉,賦予它微妙的點綴紋理。 讓我想起 20 年代中期圖形 T 恤上看到的著色類型。 要使其看起來更自然,請關閉"用深色混合刷尖"。

- 方形鉛筆,不會隨著壓力而改變大小(但不要害怕打開)。 這支粉筆鉛筆的焦點是著色,我發現當壓力改變線條的大小時,顏色就更難了。 ; 靜態紋理是模仿顆粒紙。


1. 纖細機械鉛筆
2. 薄膜穀物鉛筆
3. 陽光鉛筆 - 傾斜
4. 黑胡椒鉛筆
5. 宇宙塵鉛筆
6. 地毯鉛筆
7. 刮起鉛筆
8. 靜態粉筆鉛筆
9. 模糊鉛筆
10. 克裡斯十字鉛筆
11. 軟星塵鉛筆
12. 瀝青蠟筆
13. Y2k 圖形鉛筆
14. 非納貢鉛筆 - 傾斜
15. 輕雨滴鉛筆 - 傾斜

再次感謝您閱讀! 謝謝你所有的下載 - 也跟著, 我很感激我的一堆材料一直説明你們。* 祝你今天好運 , 彼此都很棒。<3
Hope these work for you!  Feel free to adjust them to your liking or rename them to help you remember them easier. :D
Sunray Pencil - A pencil that works by tilt: if you tilt it up, it acts like a normal pencil.  If you tilt it horizontal, it turns into a shading pencil, the top of the line being hard and the bottom being soft.  If you pen doesn't work with tilt, change the thickness to pressure sensitive, and adjust to what works for you.  Over 100 pixels it looks grainy, be careful.
Cosmic Dust - A basic pencil with a good amount of softness to it.  Reminds me of a colored pencil, easy to build up color with a gentle touch.

Scratched Up Pencil - Scritch Scratch! A pencil with a rough texture (feel free to adjust).  Fun as a thin pencil for scratchy lines.
Carpet Pencil -  A good lineart pencil.  Reminds me of an eyeliner pencil with how dense the pencils lays down.
Black pepper pencil - A pencil that looks like a spray of black pepper when pressed on the canvas softly.  You can turn it softer by turning "anti-aliasing" on.  Good for grunge and messy coloring.  Change the texture blending to "Color Dodge" for a thick, dense line. :o
Slim Mechanical - A very gentle mechanical pencil with a thin tip.  The closest I've gotten to a standard .07 lead mechanical pencil.  Has a great range of pressure & can build colors on top of each other easy.  Amazing for thin lines.

Light Rain drop - Like the Sun Ray pencil, but with rounded edges and less line-y strokes.  Tilts from a normal pencil line to a side pencil shade.  The angle is set to "Direction of Line" and doubles over on itself, change it to "Direction of Pen" if it doesn't suit you. :0
Asphalt Pastel - A thick, rectangular chalk great for blocking in areas with a messy look.  It can be used either as a regular pencil or a chalk pastel.
Blurry Pencil - Very soft, gentle. Takes time and layers to lay the darkest line.  Fuzzy and blends easy.  Pixelated at 120px+.
Film Grain - The texture is a film grain texture!  It's mostly dark with light vertical lines from it.  Feel free to adjust the texture to rougher or softer.  A pencil with a built-in retro look :D

Criss Cross - (that's slang for the "X" shape, or any lines that cross over each other diagonally).  Another gentle pencil that has a nice balance of soft and hard, & can lay a dark line down in the same stroke as a light line.  I like it for realistic portraits.
Nonagon Pencil - Sharp, bold, dark, with lots of line variance in a single stroke.  Fun for sharp flowing lines.
Soft Stardust - A softer version of the Cosmic Dust pencil.  Good for soft coloring and light sketches.
Y2k Graphic Pencil - This pencil is the closest to a pure "digital" pencil.  The tip is made up of a halftone texture with a scribble on top, giving it a subtle dotty texture.  Reminds me of the type of coloring seen on middle 2000s graphic t-shirts.  To make it look more natural, turn off "blend brush tip with darken".

Static Chalk - A square pencil that does not change size with pressure (but don't be afraid to turn it on).  The focus of this chalk pencil is coloring, which I find is harder when the pressure changes the size of the lines.  ;w;  The static texture is to mimic grainy paper.

Stroke test:

In order:
1. Slim Mechanical Pencil
2. Film Grain Pencil
3. Sunray Pencil - Tilt
4. Black Pepper Pencil
5. Cosmic Dust Pencil
6. Carpet Pencil
7. Scratched Up Pencil
8. Static Chalk Pencil
9. Blurry Pencil
10. Criss Cross Pencil
11. Soft Stardust Pencil
12. Asphalt Pastel Pencil
13. Y2k Graphic Pencil
14. Nonagon Pencil - tilt
15. Light Raindrop Pencil - tilt

Thanks again for reading!  And thank you for all the downloads & follows as well, I'm very grateful a bunch of my material has been helpful to you guys. :,)  Good luck today & be excellent to each other. <3

哇材料 #100! whoo material #100!


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D