更多 4 種顏色漸變! (More 4 Color Gradients!) More 4 Color Gradients!


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將您的圖片轉換為 4 種顏色! Transform to your pictures into 4 colors!

每個圖塊的 4 種顏色是一些舊遊戲機的限制。  這將模仿這些顏色,並僅為您的藝術作品提供 4 種顏色。  非常適合圖元藝術,但也可以應用於設計和常規插圖,以獲得有趣的外觀。

以下是所有這些。  如果您願意,請隨意截取此內容並將其用作調色板。:)

我做了 3 個範例來展示顏色在不同值集下的外觀。  從左到右:中灰色、淺色和深色。  


如果您想要更多,這是原始 4 種顏色漸變集的續集: 內容 ID:1910698 :D

4 colors for each tile was a limit on some old game consoles.  This mimics those and gives 4 colors only to your art.  Great for pixel art, but can also be applied to designs and regular illustrations for interesting looks.

Here's all of them below.  Feel free to screenshot this and use it as a color palette instead if you'd like. :)

I did 3 examples to show what the colors look like at different value sets.  Left to right: medium grey, light, & dark.  

Some of the gradients below:

This is a sequel to the original 4 color gradients set if you'd like more: Content ID:1910698 :D


公開日期 : 13 days ago

更新日期 : 13 days ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D