平滑繩刷(透明) (Smooth Rope Brush (transparent)) Smooth Rope Brush (transparent)


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如果人們想一個彩色的版本, 我會做一個!
This is a transparent rope brush that can be colored with the help of the magic wand selection tool

If people would like a colored version, I will make one!



提示: 打開穩定更好的彎曲繩子!

(用 g 筆完成小編輯, 使繩子磨損的末端)


先畫一根繩子。它可以是直或波浪,你想要的。接下來,在上面的一層上,用繩子刷在你想要結的地方做一個小圓的形狀。您將注意到在一個區域塗抹;這是一個好地方,把你的目的之一。然後,在圓形上方的第三層放置末端。我喜歡放在前面 (覆蓋汙跡) 和後面一個。最後,清理重疊區域,並添加磨損/切割/等端。塔達!這只是一個簡單的結:我相信你會想出更好的, 更奇特的結。

A detailed smooth rope brush, for all your smooth rope needs.


hint: turn up stabilization for better curvy rope!

(minor editing done with the g pen to make the frayed ends of the rope)

To make the knot:

First draw a single strand of rope. It can be as straight or wavy as you want. Next, on a layer above, make a small round shape with the rope brush in the place you want the knot. You will notice smearing in one area; this is a good place to put one of your ends. Then, on a third layer above your round shape, place your ends. I like to place on in front (to cover the smear) and one behind. Lastly, clean up the overlapping areas and add your frayed/cut/ect ends. Ta-da! This is only a simple knot; I'm sure you will come up with much better, fancier knots.

Have fun!


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

Coyote_prophet 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi there! I'm Orion, and sometimes I make brushes. If you have a problem with or question about a brush, please feel free to tell me!! If you would like to request a brush, you can DM me! I may or may not fulfill these requests, but I appreciate them.