厚線尖刺鏈(透明) (Thickline Spiked Chain (transparent)) Thickline Spiked Chain (transparent)


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透明厚襯裡鏈刷的尖峰版本 A spiked version of the transparent thick-lined chain brush

另一個簡單的刷子;尖刺鏈。它是透明的,所以你可以著色它。同樣,此刷子通常更適合鏈條的直截面:我不得不進去編輯與彎曲部分的變形連結。編輯時,我通常使用 g 筆,因為此筆刷是使用 g 筆製作的。


(提示: 調高穩定性以獲得更平滑的曲線)

特別: 鎖定

用 g 筆添加手繪鎖。

Another simple brush; a spiked chain. It's transparent, so you can color it. Again, this brush is usually better for straight sections of chain; I have had to go in and edit deformed links with curved sections. When editing, I usually use the g pen, as this brush was made using the g pen.


(hint: turn up stabilization to get smoother curves)

SPECIAL: locked up

Hand-drawn lock added with the g pen.

Have fun!


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

Coyote_prophet 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi there! I'm Orion, and sometimes I make brushes. If you have a problem with or question about a brush, please feel free to tell me!! If you would like to request a brush, you can DM me! I may or may not fulfill these requests, but I appreciate them.