水晶統治者 (Crystal Rulers) Crystal Rulers


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統治者用來繪製美麗的水晶群的背景和裝飾。 Rulers used to draw beautiful clusters of crystals for backgrounds and decor.






💛 創建任何大小的物件都很容易。
💛 商店尺規物件到庫的東西,必須經常繪製,如符號或服裝配件。
💛 消除重複繪圖並節省時間。

  1. 將尺規範本粘貼到文檔中。 注意:尺子可以粘貼到流氓或向量層
  2. 使用物件選擇工具選擇和定位尺規。 注意:除了縮放尺規外,向量編輯工具還可用於根據需要定位單個手柄。
  3. 選擇尺規後,從"層"功能表中選擇"沿尺規繪製"。注意:為了保持物件的編輯功能,建議在此步驟中使用向量層

Hello! I like to make ruler objects and share them. I made these crystals just for the fun of it. Here, you can use them if you would like.

There is also a bonus 3D crystal object that I created. It was just for fun, but perhaps you would like to see it.

Thank you for viewing this material.

About This Resource
Why is it smart to use a ruler material?


💛 It's easy to create the object at any size.
💛 Use any brush to draw the object.
💛 Create either a raster or a vector object.
💛 Edit (customize) the ruler as needed with bezier handles.
💛 Store ruler objects to the library for things that must be drawn often, such as symbols or clothing accessories.
💛 Eliminate repetitive drawing and save time.

How to use the ruler template:
  1. Paste the ruler template to the document. Note: The ruler may be pasted to either a raster or vector layer.
  2. Use the Object Selection tool to select and position the ruler. Note: In addition to scaling the ruler, the vector edit tools may be used to position individual handles as needed.
  3. With the ruler selected, choose "Draw along ruler" from the Layers menu. Note: To preserve editing capabilities of your object, it is recommended to use vector layers at this step

統治者 Rulers


更新材料是因為我在材料資訊中犯了一個技術錯誤。很抱歉給您帶來不便。我還在學習材料。 2021年8月4日 - 感謝大家購買該產品。這是我做的一個3D晶體物體。這只是為了好玩,但如果你願意,你可以使用它。 Updated the material because of a technical mistake I made in the material information. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm still learning about materials.

8/4/2021 - Thank you to everyone for buying the product. Here's a 3D crystal object that I made. It was just for fun, but you can use it if you would like.


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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