光環刷 (Aura Brush) Aura Brush


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這是光環外線鋸齒狀線條的刷子, 幾乎完全受到龍珠的啟發。這也是我根據動畫師Rayji的視頻,他們有關于動漫的東西教程。 It's a brush for the jagged lines on the outside of an aura pretty much entirely dragon ball inspired. It was also something i made based on a video by the animator Rayji they have tutorials on anime stuff.




First draw the shape of the aura over every layer then turn opacity down until you're satisfied .

Then apply a layer mask( layer mask --> mask selection) use a soft rubber to rub out the middle of the aura around your character on the layer mask

Finally take the aura brush and tap around the edges of your aura and angle it by changing the direction of particle. a recommended size for the actual brush is 22.6, from there add your own effects to it! 


公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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