人被領子姿勢抓住 (Man Being Grabbed By Collar Pose) Man Being Grabbed By Collar Pose


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這是一套的第二部分!一個角色的姿勢突然和猛烈地抓住衣領, 而看起來驚訝 / 恐嚇 / 逗樂 / 等...如果需要的話,可能要麼是船運的,要麼是嚴重的,這取決於你想要什麼。這個姿勢看起來有點奇怪,因為角色原本應該使用雙槍,但隨意根據你的意願修改它,所以它更好地滿足你的需要:)希望你喜歡! This is the second part of a set! The pose of a character being grabbed suddenly and violently by the collar while looking surprised/intimidated/amused/etc... May be either shippy or serious if so desired, depending on what you want as a result. The pose looks a little odd because the character was originally supposed to be wielding dual guns, but feel free to modify it according to your wishes so it better fits your needs :) Hope you enjoy!


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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