憤怒的人抓住領子姿勢 (Angry Man Grabbing Collar Pose) Angry Man Grabbing Collar Pose


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一個角色憤怒/猛烈地抓住另一個領子的姿勢,用拳頭和傾斜非常接近對方的臉。可能要麼是一種船或嚴重的,如果需要的話,這取決於你想要什麼結果。這是與特定的字元在心中的狂熱者,我正在努力,因此為什麼它可能看起來有點奇怪,但隨時調整它,因為你認為適合自己的需要!希望你喜歡!第二部分的姿勢明天:) The pose of a character angrily/violently grabbing another by the collar with both fists and leaning very close into the other's face. May be either kind of shippy or serious if so desired depending on what you want as a result. It was made with specific characters in mind for a fanart I'm working on, hence why it might look a little odd, but feel free to tweak it as you see fit for your own needs! Hope you enjoy! Second part of the pose coming tomorrow :)


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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