不可衰敗的紋理軟刷 (Undefeatable textured soft brush) Undefeatable textured soft brush


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這是我去刷。我已經更新了它, 有顏色抖動, 我也添加了我自己的紙張紋理。這把刷子就像油蠟筆或 8B 鉛筆。

This is my go to brush. I have updated it to have colour jitter and I have also added my own paper texture to it as well. This brush is like an oil pastel or an 8B pencil.

The reason why this is called undefeatable is because it is the brush I use for everything from sketching to line art to colouring too!

檔案大小 3840 x 4508 圖元和 600DPI

插圖為 4508 x 4508 圖元和 600DPI
File size 3840 x 4508 pixels and 600DPI
The brush that is in the red box is the default brush size.

Only the brush was used in the illustration above but with different sizes. The brush was also only used to colour the image as well.
The illustration is 4508 x 4508 pixels and 600DPI


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

gleamiarts 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi I'm Gleamiarts and here you'll find brushes, materials and more that I make and want to share! If you like my art and want to see more of it then you can check out my Instagram, Tumblr and YouTue and they are all @gleamiarts