厚丙烯酸漆 (Thick Acrylic Paint) Thick Acrylic Paint


  • 90
  • 200 CLIPPY

一個厚厚的油漆刷,我給粗糙的邊緣和厚厚的油漆塗層的感覺。您可以通過羽化筆來慢慢混合顏色,也可以通過更硬的按壓來嚴厲地更改顏色。 A thick paint brush I made for giving that rough edges and thick coat of paint feeling. You can blend colors slowly by feathering the pen or you can change the color harshly by pressing harder.


A paint brush with a thick acrylic paint effect. You can change the settings of blending to make it more oil-paint style but I recommend against it. The paints below was done just by this brush:



公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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