自訂男性型號 1 (Custom Male model 1) Custom Male model 1


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解剖學仍然不是 100% 準確, 但我不能調整前臂和骨盆的位置, 但這個至少 1% 的準確人體解剖學。
Adjusted anatomy for the default 'male model'

Anatomy still isn't 100% accurate but I couldn't adjust the forewarms and pelvis placement but this one is at least 1% more accurate to human anatomy.


不要用它來解剖學練習, 雖然只是看看真正的身體。
You can use this like the default model.

Don't use it for anatomy practice tho just look at real bodies.


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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