皮普斯塔奇奧的繪畫畫筆 (Piipstachio's Painting Brush) Piipstachio's Painting Brush


  • 12,911

你好, 這是點, 我不得不重新上傳這個由於一些問題 Hello it's pip and I had to reupload this due to some issues

畫筆我用於混合/油漆/陰影:o) *做有趣的 lil 舞蹈*
Brushes I use to Blend/Paint/Shade :o) *does funnie lil dance*



公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

piipstachio 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hey it's me Pip , yes its actually me the big plant clown!. My Tumblr: @piipstachio , @pipstachioz (artblog) My Twitter: @piipstachio My Instagram: @piipstachio