羅西的發光筆 (Roxy's Glow Pen) Roxy's Glow Pen


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畫光和霓虹燈的好筆。 A good pen for drawing light and neon.

  1. 將主顏色設置為所需的發光顏色(在這種情況下,我選擇了粉紅色)
  2. 為光源保留白色或非常蒼白的柔和的顏色。
  3. 如果你覺得筆太滯後,筆觸間隙很小。 在筆設置中加寬它以加快速度,但請注意,這會使線條看起來更緊密。


How to use:
  1. Set the main color to your desired glow color (in this case I chose pink)
  2. Leave sub color white or very pale pastel for the light source.
  3. If you feel the pen is too laggy, the stroke gap is very small.  Widen it in the pen settings to speed it up, but be aware that this may make the line look choppier up close.

Tip: You could also use weird combinations of main and sub colors for fun combinations, such as blue and magenta.


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 11 days ago

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