羅西的草刷 (Roxy's Grass Brush) Roxy's Grass Brush


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我做的草刷, 因為我在商店裡找到的, 感覺重複。 畫筆的顏色可以更改,因此您不會被一個綠色陰影卡住。 最適合背景的小草,解析度也不太高。 如果人們喜歡這個, 可能很快就會做得更好。 A grass brush I made because the ones I found in the store felt repetitive. The brush's color can be changed, so you're not stuck with one shade of green. Best for small grass in the background, the resolution isn't that high. Might make a better one soon if people like this one.


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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