射擊星筆 (Shooting Star Pen) Shooting Star Pen


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我找不到圓形流星筆或圖像材料,因此我創建了一個用於 webtoon 或插圖:)它已經有一個自動發光, 所以沒有必要添加自己發光

預設顏色為淺藍色,但您可以在"色調/飽和度"工具下更改顏色。隨意使用變換工具調整形狀和大小,但請注意,它設置為 350 DPI,如果你想做一個大的插圖,它可能會變得模糊。請線上條的末尾添加一些火花, 使其看起來更好!


I couldn’t find a circular shooting star pen or image material so I created one for my webtoon or illustration purposes :) it already has an automatic glow to it so there’s no need to add the glow yourself

The default colour is light blue but you can change the colour under the Hue/Saturation tool. Feel free to use the transform tool to adjust the shape and size but take note that it’s set to 350 dpi and if you want to make a big illustration, it might become blurry. Please add some sparkles at the end of the lines to make it look nicer!

Examples of how I use it


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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