723 漫畫範本 (723 Manga Template) 723 Manga Template


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圖層範本,允許您在圖層之間自由移動,並結合自動操作 Layer templates that allow you to move between layers freely in combination with auto action

600DPI 單色漫畫的圖層範本,可顯著減輕數位繪圖的壓力。



若要在圖層之間自由移動,請從自動操作調色板載入附加的自動操作,並在"快捷方式設置"中將每個操作分配給"Shift + 任何鍵"等。






在我的漫畫中實際使用的資料,"勇敢之渣",是"312.80 x 220mm,5.16mm 出血",但請注意,這不是CS預設中的預設大小。它是定制的大小,很容易完成為B6漫畫。

 Layer templates for 600dpi monochrome manga that significantly reduces the stress on digital drawing.

"Gray layer to prevent tired eyes", "Frame that displays the trim area", "Instruction layer for assistants", etc. are already included.

 Furthermore, by the attached actions and keyboard shortcuts, you can instantly move to the target layer without touching the layer palette.

 To move between layers freely, load the attached auto action from the auto action palette and assign each action to "Shift + any key" etc. in "shortcut setting".

(It does not work just by downloading this asset)

*If you rename a layer or create multiple layers with the exact same name, you will not be able to jump to that layer by the action.

 Plus, you must not delete the layers and folders above the "Drafts folder", the whole auto action will not work properly. Hide it if it is not needed.

 It also contains show/hide switching action set that is convenient for drawing.

 By registering the layer template as a preset when creating a new canvas, you can start drawing with it being installed on all pages from the beginning.

The data that is actually used in my comic, "Scum of the Brave", is "312.80 x 220mm, 5.16mm Bleed", but please note that this is not the default size in CS preset. It is customized to a size that is easy to finish for B6 comics.

圖層範本 Layer Template

自動操作 Auto Action


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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