眼睛漸變設置眼睛漸變集 (Eye Gradient Set 眼グラデエンションセット) Eye Gradient Set 眼グラデエンションセット


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一組眼睛的顏色,靈感來自生肖符號。別忘了在推特/Instagram/pixiv @ kureihii 上關注我! A set of some eye colors, inspired by the zodiac signs. Don’t forget to follow me on twitter/instagram/pixiv @ kureihii !

集是這樣的中心灰色(R 130,G 130,B 130)是主色。下面的值是陰影,在黑色區域有涼爽的光暈。上面的值以鮮豔的暖色突出顯示。我為眼睛做了, 但隨時在其他地方使用!

選擇您想要的圖層,轉到"編輯 >色調校正>漸變集",然後從下載的材料導入該集。玩得愉快!
The sets are such that the center gray (R 130, G 130, B 130) is the main color. Values below are shaded, with a cool glow at the black region. Values above are highlighted with vibrant warm colors. I made it for eyes, but feel free to use elsewhere as well!

Select the layer you want, go to Edit > Tonal Correction > Gradient Set, and import the set from your downloaded materials. Have fun! 


公開日期 : 4 years ago

更新日期 : 4 years ago

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