2019年人類顏料調色板 (Human Pigmentation Palette for 2019) Human Pigmentation Palette for 2019
我的顏色集的更新版本列出了來自世界各地的不同人類膚色。現在還包括頭髮和眼睛的顏色!太有頭髮和眼睛的顏色了! An updated version of my color set listing different human skin tones from around the world. Now also includes hair and eye colors as well!
此顏色集包括各種膚色以及頭髮和眼睛的顏色,以代表世界各地的人類不同的色素沉著。它是我于 2018 年 4 月發佈的膚色集的更新版本。現在,你應該能夠顏色從世界各地字元!
- 暗膚色,適合非洲、印度、美拉尼西亞和澳大拉西亞的土著居民。這個子類別中的三種暗色調,從最暗到最亮,都標有蘇丹語、班圖語和埃及語。
- 中間膚色是地中海歐洲人、中東人、大多數美洲原住民、東南亞人和波利尼西亞人和南非科伊桑人的理想之選。這些色調也可用於"雙種族"個人與一個較深的皮膚和一個較淺的皮膚的父母。這組語中被歸類為中間語的音調標記為"Khoisan"、中美洲語和希臘文。
- 蒼白的膚色是那些與東北亞人(如中國人、日本人和韓國人),更北的美洲原住民和"白人"北歐人。這裡的音調標有中國、法語和挪威語(最後一種也適合任何種族的白化病人)。
This color set includes a variety of skin tones as well as hair and eye colors to represent the different pigmentations of human beings around the world. It is an updated version of a color set for skin tones I released back in April 2018. Now you should be able to color in characters from all parts of the world!
The skin tones included can be sorted into three subcategories, each containing three distinct tones. To obtain suitable colors for lips, nipples, or blushing and sunburns, take each of the included tones and make them slightly darker and more reddish in tint.
- Dark skin tones, for the indigenous populations of Africa, India, Melanesia, and Australasia. The three dark tones in this subcategory, from darkest to lightest, are labeled Sudanic, Bantu, and Egyptian.
- Intermediate skin tones are ideal for Mediterranean Europeans, Middle Easterners, most Native Americans, Southeast Asians and Polynesians, and South African Khoisan. These tones can also be used for "biracial" individuals with one darker-skinned and one lighter-skinned parent. The tones in this set classified as intermediate are labeled Khoisan, Central American, and Hellenic.
- Pale skin tones are those associated with Northeast Asians (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans), the more northerly Native Americans, and "white" Northern Europeans. The tones here are labeled Chinese, French, and Norse (the last also being suitable for albino people of any ethnic heritage).
Hair colors in the set are Raven, Brunette, Light Brunette, Dark Blond, Blond, Ginger, Grizzled, and "Ice Blond" (as my beloved old man likes to call it). As a general rule, most human beings around the world have raven-black hair, whereas blonder and redder hair colors are associated with Europeans north of the Mediterranean basin. However, older people of any ancestry will take on gray and then "ice blond" hair as they age.
Eye colors included are Dark, Light Brown, Hazel, Green, and Blue. Darker eye colors are preferred for the majority of humans outside of Europe, whereas green and blue are associated with Northern Europeans (although albinos also have blue eyes).