膚色顏色集 (Skin Tone Color Set) Skin Tone Color Set


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這是一組小顏色的膚色,代表來自世界各地的人類群體。 This is a small color set of skin tones representing human populations from around the world.


庫希特 - 推薦給最黑暗的非洲人民,如蘇丹人民。它以古蘇丹文明庫什王國命名,庫什王國是古埃及的敵敵。

班圖- 以中非和南部非洲各班圖語民族命名的樹種。

埃及- 這種紅木陰影推薦給具有中等深色膚色的非洲人,如古埃及人和一些非裔美國人和非洲裔加勒比人。

克利奧派特拉 - 以克利奧派特拉七世的托勒密女王的名字命名,這是最適合部分非洲血統的個人。

Khoisan - 以最南端的霍伊桑語命名的較淺的非洲膚色。也可用於曬黑的中美洲和南美洲。


阿拉伯- 這種較深的棕褐色是理想的膚色,用於中東人,如阿拉伯人和米索索拉米人,但它也可能適用于較深的美洲原住民。

地中海- 這種棕褐色膚色推薦給南歐民族(如西班牙、義大利和希臘),以及部分美洲原住民血統的西班牙人(如墨西哥人)。

中國人- 使用這種淡黃色棕色的東北亞人,如中國人,日本人和韓國人。然而,它也可用於蒼白的美洲原住民。

法語- 這種膚色應該適合大多數歐洲國家。

挪威語 - 最蒼白的蒼白,這是最適合北歐民族,如斯堪的納維亞人,芬蘭人和薩米人。

模糊- 臉紅 (在蒼白的皮膚), 當然!
This is a small color set of skin tones representing human populations around the world, ranging from the darkest Africans to the palest Europeans.

Kushite - Recommended for the very darkest African people, such as those of the Sudan. It is named after the kingdom of Kush, an ancient Sudanese civilization that was a rival to ancient Egypt.

Bantu - An umber shade named for the various Bantu-speaking peoples of central and southern Africa.

Egyptian - This mahogany shade is recommended for Africans with a moderately dark complexion, such as the people of ancient Egypt and some African-American and Afro-Caribbean people.

Cleopatra - Named after the Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra VII, this is best suited for individuals of partial African ancestry.

Khoisan - A lighter African skin tone named after the Khoisan-speakers of southernmost Africa. Can also be used for tanned Central and South Americans.

(I should point out here that all the darker skin tones can also be used for South Asian, Melanesian, and Aboriginal Australian people.)

Arabian - This darker tan is the ideal skin tone to use for Middle Easterners such as Arabs and Mesopotamians, but it may also work for darker Native Americans.

Mediterranean - This tan skin tone is recommended for southern European nationalities (e.g. Spanish, Italian, and Greek), as well as Hispanics of partial Native American heritage (e.g. Mexicans).

Chinese - Use this pale yellow-brown for Northeast Asian people such as the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. However, it can also be used for paler Native Americans.

French - This skin tone should work for most European nationalities.

Norse - The palest of the pale, this is best used for Northern European ethnicities such as the Scandinavians, Finns, and Saami.

Blush - For blushing (on paler skin), of course!


公開日期 : 6 years ago

更新日期 : 6 years ago

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