微光!自動操作 (Shimmer! Auto Action) Shimmer! Auto Action


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第 1 步 - 以任何你喜歡的顏色繪製閃閃發光的區域。我通常選擇與皮膚底色相匹配的顏色。

步驟 2 -大綱、微光發光操作
  • "大綱動作"使用"顏色燒錄"使閃閃發光的區域變暗。提供了調整顏色的選項。
  • "閃閃"動作可減小微光區域的大小,並使用"添加發光"使區域變亮。當減小所選內容的大小時,我通常會減小 1 或 2 圖元;但這取決於畫布的大小和畫的閃閃發光的區域。

  • 發光動作增加閃閃發光的區域的大小,減輕周圍區域的皮膚,並使用高斯模糊。我通常增加 5 圖元的大小, 但再次這取決於。提供了調整發光顏色的選項。提供了調整模糊量的選項。

第 3 步 - 向上觸摸
  • 如果您對結果不滿意,"修復微光和柔化輪廓操作"是可選的操作,用於更改微光圖層上的微光顏色,並根據您的喜好將輪廓圖層上的輪廓變軟。


This auto action creates a shimmery effect for skin.

Step 1 - Paint the shimmery areas in whatever color you like. I usually pick a color that matches the skin's undertone.

Step 2 - Outline, Shimmer, and Glow Actions
  • The Outline Action darkens the shimmery area with Color Burn. The option to adjust the color is given.
  • The Shimmer Action decreases the size of the shimmery area and lightens the area with Add Glow. When decreasing the size of the selection, I typically decrease by 1 or 2 pixels; but it depends on the size of the canvas and the painted shimmery area.

  • The Glow Action increases the size of the shimmery area, lightens the skin around the area, and uses Gaussian Blur. I usually increase the size by 5 pixels, but again it depends. The option to adjust the color of the glow is given. The option to adjust the amount of blurring is given.
Please do the Actions in this order.

Step 3 - Touching up
  • If you are not happy with the results, the Fix Shimmer and Soften Outline Actions are optional Actions to change the color of the shimmer on the shimmer layer and to soften the outline on the outline layer to your liking.

Then you are done! Here are other examples.


公開日期 : 5 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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