この自動アクションは、ボタンを1回押すだけでフォルダをマージできるようにすることで、ワークフローを合理化します。自動的に次のレイヤーに進むので、マウスで手動でレイヤーを切り替える必要はありません。 This Auto Action streamlines your workflow by allowing you to merge folders with just one button press. It automatically advances to the next layer, so you don’t have to manually switch layers with your mouse.
Runbell MerchValley AutoAction(ランベル・マーチバレー・オートアクション)

Runbell MerchValley AutoAction
This Auto Action streamlines your workflow by allowing you to merge folders with just one button press. It automatically advances to the next layer, so you don’t have to manually switch layers with your mouse.
I personally use this Auto Action, and it’s perfect for projects that require segmented drawing for creating Vtuber models or puppet-style animations.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to share! ><