SFアパートモデル (Sci-fi Apartment Model) Sci-fi Apartment Model


  • 11
  • 10 CLIPPY

3Dモデルの作り方を学びたかったので、サイバーパンク/SFの自作キャンペーンのキャラクターの1人のアパートを作りました! I wanted to learn how to make 3D models, so I made the apartment of one of my characters from my cyberpunk/sci-fi homebrew campaign!





これは10年以上ぶりのモデルです(そしてClip Studio Modelerを使用するのは初めて)ので、問題がある場合はお知らせください。:)

The doors and windows can be posed, and the closet has open and closed positions (both turned on by default)

Cabinets, appliances, and furniture were left out so you can design as you want! The only constraint will be the wet bathroom/shower room, which has a stepped section and drain.

Each exterior wall, interior wall sections, doors, and windows can be turned off as needed for best posing.

LT process is shown (I’m not experienced with LT so these may be sub-optimal settings in the example!), as well as size comparison with the default couch and default masculine figure. The floor plan is based on a map from my TTRPG homebrew campaign, so you may want to scale along X and Y if you don’t want the main room so big.

Since this is my first model in over a decade (and first time using Clip Studio Modeler), please let me know if there are any issues and I’ll fix it ASAP! :)

材料 Material

  • デフォルト品目 Default material

割り当てる Allocate

  • デフォルトのレイアウト Default layout


公開日 : 2時間前

更新日 : 2時間前

Snelesteさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Snail loving artist <3 I upload any good materials I make to help out the Clip community like they’ve helped me! <3
