(期間限定30CP)人間-猫-3D-JL ((30 CP limited time) Human-cat-3D-JL) (30 CP limited time) Human-cat-3D-JL


  • 56
  • 30 CLIPPY
この素材集には CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 2.2.0 からご利用いただける素材が含まれています。 ( Ver.2.2.0 を入手する )


I am publishing this model again, because it was removed from me due to "copyright" for mentioning a role-playing game reference. However, the model and design was made by me. Now making the necessary changes, I share them with you again, because I don't want my work to be in vain.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience

• CP cost may vary over time•



1- 3Dモデルを配置したら、設定で「光源の適用」を有効にする必要があります。をクリックして表示します。




Here we go again...

Hello! I made a new 3D model. Sometimes we need references to anthropomorphic beings, in this case I made a male cat and I think someone might find it useful.

1- Once you place the 3D model, you need to activate "apply light source" in settings. to make it visible.

2- Then you will place the tail and match it to the model, to indicate that it fits the hip and then you will have to layer it in place again.

3- Later you can apply any pose you want, but keep in mind that since it is a model with a skeleton slightly different from that of a human, some errors may occur that you will have to adjust manually.

4- To pose the tail you will only have to grab it by the tip (preferably) and drag.

And that's it, enjoy!

3Dモデル 3D model


公開日 : 3時間前

更新日 : 3時間前

Janlibellさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく
