かわいいデコレーションブラシ (Cute Decoration Brushes) Cute Decoration Brushes


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  • 無料

シンプルで可愛い(可愛い)アートやお絵かきを飾るのに適した星とキラキラのブラシのセットです。 A set of star and sparkle brushes that are good for decorating simple, kawaii (cute) art and drawings.


ブラシ設定を編集して、サイズジッター(ブラシサイズの下のランダム性)を設定して、さまざまなサイズで出力されるようにすることができます。線をストロークするときにスタンプ間の間隔を調整する必要がある場合、設定は [ストローク > ギャップ] の下にあります。




ポートフォリオ - https://zorkxa.com 
コファイ - https://ko-fi.com/zorkxa
ツイッター - https://x.com/zorkxa
A set of cute brushes featuring rounded stars and sparkle patterns. These are perfect for decorating empty spaces in cel-shaded kawaii art. 

You can edit the brush settings to have size jitter (randomness under brush size) so that they will come out at varying sizes. If you need to adjust the spacing between the stamps when you stroke a line, the setting is under Stroke > Gap.

For the dual-colored brush, it will use your main color and sub-color if you are on your main color. Change the sub-color to a color of your choice, then switch back to your main color to have the brush in 2 colors.

Another suggestion is to use a soft air brush behind the sparkle or star to make it look like it's glowing. Alternatively, air brushing on top of it in a blending mode will work too.

Here is an example of drawing I have used the brush in.

If you like my materials or work, you can find me here:
Portfolio - https://zorkxa.com 
Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/zorkxa
Twitter - https://x.com/zorkxa

カテゴリー1 Category 1


公開日 : 2時間前

更新日 : 7時間前

Ricketさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Anime and semi-realistic style illustrator who is dedicated to building a community that is inclusive and safe.
