ダイナソー大ざっぱ! (Dynasawr sketchie!) Dynasawr sketchie!


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  • 無料

これは、毛皮や毛羽立ちを描くのにも最適だとわかった鉛筆です! This is a pencil that I found is also great for drawing fur or fluff!

This is the Dynasawr Sketchie!!! It is a pencil that can also be used to draw fluff (as seen in the thumbnail) hope it helps!! RAWR!!


公開日 : 2日前

更新日 : 2日前

Seepiedeepieさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Hi, I like to bake bread, animate, and draw! I love learning about different ways to improve my drawing, because I think it is really fun!!
