Honda Super Cub C125


  • 9,559
  • 無料
by 本田技研工業株式会社

スーパーカブ C125は、スーパーカブシリーズ初代モデルの「スーパーカブ C100」を彷彿させるスタイリングに、扱いやすく燃費に優れた空冷・4ストローク・OHC・125cc単気筒エンジンを搭載。利便性と快適性に寄与する装備で幅広い層のお客様に大変好評を得ているモデルです。

©Honda Motor Co., Ltd.





Enclosure: Honda EULA

I. Introduction & Definitions
This is a legally binding agreement between You (defined below), CLIP STUDIO ASSETS, and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and their affiliates (collectively “Honda”) regarding your rights to use Assets (defined below). This agreement incorporates by reference the Terms of Use as well as the Site’s policies and procedures as set forth at CLIP STUDIO ASSETS Terms of Service. This agreement governs your use of the Assets in products that you create (“Creations”). 
Some words in this agreement are given specific meanings. Words that appear initially in quotations, such as “you” and “Creations”, are defined in the text preceding the word. Other capitalized words are defined below:
Asset” means any item, property, or file (“Product”) that includes or that bears one or more of the following trademarks: HONDA、ホンダ、Super Cub、SUPER CUB、スーパーカブ、カブ, or that bears any trade dress of vehicles produced by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. or its affiliates, that is sold via the CLIP STUDIO ASSETS marketplace.
Site” refers to the CLIP STUDIO ASSETS websites, API’s, software applications or any approved means or utility either currently in existence or in the future; the software and source code used by CLIP STUDIO ASSETS to provide such services; user interface layouts, designs, images, text, knowledgebase articles, program offers; site information provided in reports (such as popular keyword searches); and all other intellectual property protected under copyright, trademark, patent, publicity, or any other proprietary right.
Purchase” is the acquisition of a Product by you from the Site under this agreement, whether as a purchase of Product made available at a price of greater than $0, or a download of Product made available at no charge.
CLIP STUDIO ASSETS” includes CLIP STUDIO ASSETS, and all licensed affiliates and partners that distribute Assets .
Product Page” is the product page or interface that displays Assets available for Purchase on the Site.
Intellectual Property” means, copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, or any other proprietary right throughout the world.
To make reading this agreement easier and less repetitive, the following constructions are used:
Include,” including,” and “such as” are considered to be followed with “but not limited to.” Examples are used in this agreement to illustrate, rather than limit, the scope of the terms.
The following restrictions”, “the foregoing restrictions”, and “subject to the restrictions” are considered to be followed with “in addition to all other restrictions applicable within this agreement.”
You” refers to the purchaser, whether that is a natural person (required to be at least 18 years of age), or a corporate entity.

II. License Rights
1. Limited License. The trademarks (HONDA、ホンダ、Super Cub、SUPER CUB、スーパーカブ、カブ) or trade dress of vehicles produced by Honda are owned exclusively by Honda. Subject to these Terms and Conditions and any applicable agreements between You and CLIP STUDIO ASSETS, You may use the Assets solely to make original pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works, which include two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of fine, graphic, and applied art. Examples include (without limitation): Manga, anime, and films or television shows. You acknowledge and agree that Honda and/or their respective affiliates own all right, title, and interest in and to the trademarks (HONDA、ホンダ、Super Cub、SUPER CUB、スーパーカブ、カブ) or trade dress of vehicles produced by Honda (collectively the “Honda Properties”). You further acknowledge and agree that you shall have no claim of ownership in the Honda Properties and shall not seek to enforce any right against Honda, or against any third party based on the Honda Properties in any forum for any purpose. Any uses beyond those granted in this license are not permitted without Honda’s prior written consent.
2. Right to Revoke Limited License.  
Honda has the right, in its sole discretion, to revoke your limited license to use Asset for any reason.
3. Restrictions on All Permitted Users. The following restrictions apply to uses of the Assets.
a. Declared Use. You may NOT use the Asset for any use other than that declared in your Purchase, subject to further restrictions as contained herein.
b. Positive Light. Your use of the Asset must NOT feature any alcohol, illegal drug use, sex or pornography, nudity, racism, gore, or foul or illicit language. The work must not feature main themes of death and/or violence. You may NOT devise any tarnishing use of the brand depicted by an Asset. Modifications of the Asset that do not comply with the laws of the jurisdiction where the Asset is depicted featuring the Asset are prohibited. As an example clarifying the foregoing, if a film featuring the Asset is set in Japan, the Asset must be shown to be modified only to the extent that would be permitted under the laws of Japan.
c. Safety. Activities beyond normal use of the Asset, such as reckless driving, are prohibited. No depictions of drunken or drug-impaired driving or any activity strongly reminiscent of drunken or drug-impaired driving. No depictions of collisions involving the Asset, death or serious sequelae of the rider or anyone involved in the collision. 
d. Police. No interaction with police vehicles is acceptable, and no police officer may be injured or killed. No police car may catch fire.
e. No Political or Religious Message. The Asset must NOT be used in a political or religious message or Creation featuring such messages.
4. Unauthorized Use. If you use Assets in an unauthorized way, CLIP STUDIO ASSETS may terminate your account and pursue other penalties, damages, losses, and profits CLIP STUDIO ASSETS is entitled to under this agreement or at law or equity. The following are unauthorized uses that are explicitly prohibited:
a. Competition. You may NOT use Assets in a way that competes with the Site or the Assets themselves.
b. Re-Distribution. You may NOT re-distribute, publish, or make Assets available to any third party except in the form of a permitted Creation, or shared as authorized in this agreement.
c. Group Buying. You may NOT aggregate funds to Purchase Assets with one or more other parties. An example of this prohibited use is a website membership where members pool their money to make a single Purchase that is shared by the members of the group. Each such member must Purchase individually.
d. Stock Media Product Clearinghouses. You may NOT publish, distribute, or make Assets available through any online clearinghouse infrastructure.
e. No Obscene or Unlawful Use. You may NOT use Assets for any unlawful, defamatory, harassing, obscene, or racist purpose, or to infringe any party’s Intellectual Property rights.
f. False Attribution. You may NOT misrepresent yourself as the creator of Assets.
5. Use Application. If your application for use of a Asset is accepted, the following use of such Asset is permitted provided that the following restrictions are observed. If the use application is not accepted, the Purchase will be reversed.                    
Advertising. Approved on a case-by-case basis at Licensor's sole discretion.     

III. Warranties
You covenant, represent, and warrant to Honda that:
1. You have full right, power, legal capacity, and authority to enter into and perform this agreement, have obtained any third-party consent needed to do so, and, prior to any Purchase, had an opportunity to seek independent legal counsel.
2. You will not use Assets except pursuant to the terms of this agreement. Should you use Assets in an unauthorized way, you agree to any reasonable fee or penalty exercised by Honda under this agreement or applicable law.
3. You will, prior to Purchase, determine the need for and, if appropriate, obtain any needed third-party clearance, consent, or release to use Other-Party Intellectual Property shown in the digital rendering of Assets, and shall not use Assets to infringe any party’s Intellectual Property rights.
4. You will immediately notify Honda of any Intellectual Property claim against your use of Assets or any other rights issue, before disclosing such issue to any third-party.

IV. Limitation of Liability
1. Assets are provided on an “as is”, “as available”, and “with all faults” basis. Honda makes no representations, warranties, conditions, or guarantees as to the usefulness, quality, suitability, truth, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, merchantability, or cosmetic attributes of Assets, and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of specifications associated with Assets, including measurements, weight, durability, strength, materials, general physical properties, regulatory compliance, other engineering or construction attributes.
2. Honda disclaims all express or implied conditions, representations, and warranties of any kind regarding Assets, including any implied warranty or condition of merchantability. 
3. You assume all risk for any damage to your computer systems and network for any damage to your computer system by obtaining Assets, including any damages resulting from computer viruses.
4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Honda shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages (including loss of business, revenue, profits, goodwill, use, data, electronically transmitted orders, or other economic advantage) arising out of or in connection with Assets, even if Honda has previously been advised of, or reasonably could have foreseen, the possibility of such damages, however they arise, whether in breach of contract or in tort (including negligence). To the extent that any jurisdiction does not allow the exclusion or limitation of direct, incidental, or consequential damages, portions of the preceding limitation or exclusion may not apply, but should be construed to the greatest extent applicable in such jurisdictions.
5. You agree to indemnify and hold Honda, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, licensors, licensee, suppliers, alliance members, other partners, employees and representatives harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to, or arising out of your use of the Source Material or Creations.


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公開日 : 2か月前

更新日 : 3か月前

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