スケッチマニアの男性のために特別に作られた鉛筆 (Pencil Made Specially to Sketch Buff Men) Pencil Made Specially to Sketch Buff Men


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あらゆる用途に対応するシンプルな鉛筆。しかし、それは私がバフマンを描くために特別に作られました。 A simple pencil for all uses. But it was specially made for me to draw buff men, though.


それはさておき、私はスケッチが非常に面倒で、ブラシを1つだけ使用する傾向があります。このブラシは、タブレットやペンの扱い方に合わせて 、私自身が使用するために作られたものなので、必ずしもすべての人に効果があるとは限りません。ただし、これは一般的なペンシルやラフの良いベースとして機能するはずです。また、少なくとも私のタブレットのセットアップ方法では、比較的リアルに見えます。


I made this brush for my own use. It's the result of my first time tinkering with perlin noise to get my own textures--the textures aren't perfect, and honestly the paper texture doesn't actually loop properly--but that's irrelevant, as it's largely used to just add "grit" to the brush!

With all that aside, I'm incredibly lazy with sketches and tend to use just one brush. This brush was made for my own use, to work with my tablet and way of handling the pen, so it may not necessarily work for everyone. However, this should work as a good base for a general penciling and roughs! It also looks and feels relatively realistic, at least with the way my tablet is set up.

Enjoy the pencil that I made specially to sketch buff men.

P. S. You don't need to only sketch buff men with it, that's just the most common subject matter when I draw personally. Be free


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更新日 : 2時間前

SupremelySaltyさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Digital painter | Landscape enthusiast | Guy who draws | Certified extremely cool guy
