カップル抱擁ポーズパック (Couple Embrace Pose Pack) Couple Embrace Pose Pack


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  • 無料

A pose pack for two characters tenderly embracing, laying down together on a couch, a bed or whatever you want. Isn't it sweet ? The person on the bottom is even softly kissing the one on top !
I made this with a female model on top and male model on the bottom but it can be adjusted quite easily if you wish so.
Do not hesitate to use if you find a need to, and please enjoy !


Example in use (the bodytypes used here are slightly different from default CSP ones but this can be easily adjusted with your own favourites bodytypes):

カテゴリー1 Catégorie 1


公開日 : 3か月前

更新日 : 3か月前

CloudbustingCatさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

I do things that I sometimes share . Thanks everyone for the likes, downloads and clippys !
