プレート上の3Dドーナツ (3D Donuts on Plate) 3D Donuts on Plate


  • 4,883
  • 無料

3Dドーナツ 3D donuts

私はBlenderを学んでいて、チュートリアルに従ってこれらのドーナツを大まかに作っていますが、CS Modelerでマテリアルを実験したかったので、誰かがそれらを便利だと思う場合に備えて共有したいと思いました:)






I've been learning Blender and made these donuts loosely following a tutorial, and since I wanted to experiments with materials in CS Modeler, I thought I'd share them in case somebody finds them useful :)

All 3 donuts and the plate are separated, you can move them around:

Or even stack as much as you need by duplicating them!

They come in 3 material variants, feel free to combine them and make heaps of donuts!

All materials respond to lights accurately, Ambient light included.

All my materials will always be free - I'm not going to force people to download and fill-up their disk space by a time limit, so feel free to come back and download them when you need them :)

材料 Material

  • ある A
  • B B
  • C C

割り当てる Allocate

  • デフォルトのレイアウト Default layout


公開日 : 7日前

更新日 : 7日前

.avi.さんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

I work as a professional game illustrator and creating comics is my hobby. I enjoy inventing new workflows and breaking traditional tropes.
