マトラス神秘的な山々 (Matras Mystical Mountains) Matras Mystical Mountains


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  • 350 CLIPPY

この魅惑的なイラストで、マトラの神秘的な山々の気まぐれな美しさを探ってください。おとぎ話の世界に身を置きながら、遠い土地の生い立ちに関する主人公の思索をたどります。ファンタジー愛好家にもビジュアルノベル愛好家にも最適です。 Explore the whimsical beauty of Matra's mystical mountains in this enchanting illustration. Transport yourself to a fairy-tale realm as you follow the protagonist's musings on the distant land's upbringing. Perfect for fantasy enthusiasts and visual novel aficionados alike.


主人公が物語の2番目の主人公の生い立ちを振り返るとき、この魅惑的な風景は背景として機能し、おとぎ話の本質を呼び起こします。 気まぐれなアートスタイルで、シーンに魅惑と興味を吹き込み、観客が物語をより深く掘り下げるように誘うことを目指しました。 

Teleny (Romance Simulator) by Selfmaiden - Julia Mersmann (itch.io)
Introducing my self-made illustration capturing a picturesque mountain region, designed for a pivotal moment in my visual novel.

As the main character reflects on the upbringing of the story's second protagonist, this enchanting landscape serves as a backdrop, evoking the essence of a fairy tale. Through a whimsical artistic style, I aimed to imbue the scene with a sense of enchantment and intrigue, inviting audiences to delve deeper into the narrative. 

The Visual novel can be found on my Itch-Account:
Teleny (Romance Simulator) by Selfmaiden - Julia Mersmann (itch.io)


公開日 : 4か月前

更新日 : 4か月前

JuliaMersmannさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Just some weird german biologist and animal keeper with a hobby to paint fantasy-stuff. If you are interested in my art, please feel free to visit me at: https://www.deviantart.com/juliamersmann Or read my comics on: https://tapas.io/Jule_Illustration
