睫 (Eyelashes) Eyelashes


  • 219
  • 無料

まつげを楽にするための完全にカスタマイズ可能なブラシ。 A fully customizable brush to make eyelashes easier.



I created a brush to be able to follow along a line or guide I created and place eyelashes along the line, or just freely draw eyelashes everywhere :P. It is fully customizable. It's pen pressure sensitive, it will use the color selected, and you can manually change the brush size as well.

In order to change the direction of eyelashes, use the horizontal and vertical flip functions. You can also change the angle the lashes will be drawn. I used 90 degrees for the below examples.


公開日 : 1年前

更新日 : 1年前

h3yThurさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Just my place to draw.
