彼女は彼女の後ろを見る (She Looks Behind Her) She Looks Behind Her


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肩越しに後ろを見ている女性のポーズ。 a pose of a woman looking behind her, over her shoulder.



A pose I used for a drawing, hopefully it’s useful for someone! 

The art I used it for; I modified the arm somewhat for mine, but I think I just lifted it up a little bit.

I updated the thumbnail because the one I did use has bugged me since I uploaded it but the material is the same. 


公開日 : 1年前

更新日 : 3か月前

laurennialさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Just a hobbyist getting back into making art again! I’m American and I only know English, but if you need to message me, please don’t hesitate! That’s what Google Translate is for 😂✌️
