brushes i made to use on clothing and for easy bracelets. There is a diamond pattern image as well.
Made as decorations for clothes but you can use them for anything.
カテゴリー1 Category 1
配管ブラシ 1 piping brush 1
配管ブラシ2 piping brush 2
配管ブラシ3 piping brush 3
ループブラシ loops brush
配管の色1 piping color1
配管の色2 piping color2
配管の色3 piping color3
ループの色 loops color
ネジ付きネクタイ1 threaded ties 1
ネジ付きネクタイ2 threaded ties 2
ネジ付きネクタイ3 threaded ties 3
ダイヤモンドパターン diamond pattern
ダイヤモンドパターンブラシ diamond pattern brush