子供の女性 (Child Female) Child Female


  • 2,656
  • 無料

7歳から12歳まで。 For ages 7 to 12.


胸とお尻のサイズを調整する には、モデルをクリックした後、右端のアイコンをクリックしてモデルのプロパティを調整します。


Just drag into your canvas and pose her. Watch out for the FBI :3

To adjust chest and bum size, after u click the model, click the far right icon to adjust the model's properties.

After that go to Body shape, click on the full body blue thingy, and adjust the vertical number only.

*Some had problems downloading, please let me know if issue persists. Thank you.


公開日 : 3年前

更新日 : 2年前

MilkyLewkyさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく

Hello, I'm MilkyLewky, a digital artist and illustrator. Thank you for downloading my assets ☆ ~('▽^人) I am currently open to commissions too. If you're interested, check out my VGen services.
